Multi-Party Computation Language

I heard about multi-party computation (MPC) sometime around 2018. The idea sounded exciting, and I wanted to learn how it works. I like to learn by doing so the natural next step was to write a simple Garbled Circuit evaluator. The Garbled Circuit Wikipedia article provides an excellent explanation about garbled circuits. I followed it in my first PoC implementation in March 2019. The essential parts were:

  • Oblivious transfer with RSA encryption.
  • AES encryption for circuit garbling.
  • Bristol-style binary circuits.

The PoC worked fine, but it used very trivial circuits (2-3 gates) or some pre-compiled ones I found from the Internet. Since I wanted to write different programs, I needed a higher-level language and compiler for creating the binary circuits. The end goal was to compute the RSA signature using MPC.

The compiler implementation was an educating journey. Garbled circuits can’t implement looping or branches based on any computed value. The circuit evaluation goes through all gates, so the program must be a directed acyclic graph (DAG). I have written several compilers over the years, but this acyclic memoryless model was still different. One of the learnings was Static Single Assignment (SSA) form assembly.

After one year of hobby coding, I implemented modular exponentiation to any bit size integer numbers. And as soon as that, I also learned that the algorithm would not work on numbers larger than 128 bits. So what next? The Ed25519 algorithm is faster; would that work?


I borrowed the Ed25519 algorithm from Go’s Ed25591 package. The MPCL language implements most of the necessary Go language constructs, but the compiler still needs more work. Compared to the original Go code, the current Ed25519 implementation has about ten lines or constructs that do not compile without modifications. Nevertheless, it computes correct Ed25519 signatures. The first proper algorithm had the following statistics:

Gate Count
XOR 616368261
XNOR 29253505
AND 292577583
OR 494216
INV 19784

The signature computation transferred 26 GB of data and took 177 seconds. The garbler and evaluator evaluated 5,303,465 gates per second.

So the Ed25519 was indeed much faster compared to the RSA algorithm. And Ed25519 signatures are as strong as signatures with about 3000 bit RSA keys. I have benchmarked the RSA signature computations up to 512 bits. Doubling the private key size makes the signature computation time approximately seven times longer:

Input MODP Gates Non-XOR Stream Gates Stream !XOR Stream
2 4 708 201 740 271 367.66ms
4 8 5596 1571 5548 1719 115.51ms
8 16 44796 12423 46252 13199 218.26ms
16 32 374844 102255 364892 101535 245.80ms
32 64 2986556 801887 2895932 788799 563.39ms
64 128 23171068 6137023 22494524 6029311 2.4991s
128 256 177580028 46495359 172945532 45732095 14.2368s
256 512 1326461180 346797567 1m40.9s
512 1024 10197960188 2641252351 13m3.86s

2048 bit RSA signature computation would take 10 hours, compared to equally strong Ed25519 signature, computed in 3 minutes.

Optimizations Since the First Release

I made a few optimizations since the first public announcement last September:

  • Optimized smov and srshift instructions. When moving signed integer values to bigger variables, or bitwise-shifting values right, the instruction must expand the sign-bit to the most significant bits. The previous version had one and zero expansion versions of the mov and rshift instructions. The code generation used comparison and the phi instruction to use the proper versions. The new optimized implementation uses the sign bit as the expansion bit for signed integer operations, eliminating the comparison.
  • I removed memory move operations from the p2p communication protocol. The circuit evaluation does not allocate memory, and the sender and receiver do not copy memory in the transfer buffers when transferring data.
  • The Half AND optimization reduced the data needed to implement the AND gates. The reduction is 50%, which contributed significantly to the overall transfer data reduction. The signature computation now uses 16GB compared to the original 25GB of data.
  • I also implemented the Row Reduction optimization for the OR and INV gates. However, since we prioritize XOR gates over OR gates, this optimization didn’t significantly impact the performance.
  • Many programs utilize constant values as part of their evaluation. The Constant Propagation pushes these values forward in the circuit and removes unnecessary gates. This optimization can reduce some programs significantly. The current constant propagation algorithm works well; however, it only works with the known input wire values. A more generic optimization is to use AND Inverter Graph (AIG), which would apply optimizations globally for the circuit. I’ll implement the AIG optimization as a more comprehensive circuit optimization strategy soon.

These optimizations had a very positive impact on the system performance. The Ed25519 signature computation time went down from 177 seconds to 90 seconds (49%). The network transfer decreased from 26 GB to 15 GB (42%).


Thu Jan 6 08:02:00 UTC 2022 | Copyright © 2022 Markku Rossi