Package aes implements the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) block cipher operations.
BlockSize defines the AES cipher block size in bytes.
Block128 encrypts one data block with 128 bit key.
Block192 encrypts one data block with 192 bit key.
Block256 encrypts one data block with 256 bit key.
DecryptBlock decrypts one data block with the key. The key must be 16, 24, or 32 bytes long.
DecryptBlockExpanded decrypts one block from src into dst, using the expanded key xk.
DeriveDecryptionKey derives the decryption key from the encryption key enc.
EncryptBlock encrypts one data block with the key. The key must be 16, 24, or 32 bytes long.
EncryptBlockExpanded encrypts one block from src into dst, using the expanded key xk.
ExpandEncryptionKey expands the key and returns the expanded encryption key. See FIPS-197, Figure 11. Their rcon[i] is our powx[i-1] << 24.
ExpandKey expands the key and returns the expanded encryption and decryption keys.